
What is a gingivectomy?

A gingivectomy is a periodontal surgical procedure to remove diseased gum tissue, clean the area and using stiches reattach the healthy gum tissue. Gingivectomies are most successful when gum disease is detected at an early stage and before the disease affects the supporting bone of the tooth. Our doctors may recommed ths procedure may when the gums have pulled away from the teeth, creating pockets that are difficult to clean trapping plaque and calculus; or when there is an abnormal growth of gum tissue around the teeth which can become inflamed and make it difficult to properly clean your teeth. The procedure involves removing the loose or excess gum tissue to make visibility and access for cleaning and prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria and inflmattion.

What are the benefits of a gingivectomy?

  • Removing diseased tissue
  • Improve periodontal health
  • Improve ability to maintain good oral hygiene
  • Reduce the risk of tooth and bone loss

Can a gingivectomy make my smile look better?

Yes, gingivectomies may provide an aesthetic result without the need for an additional procedure, however a gingivoplasty (gum contouring procedure) and/or gum graft procedure which adds tissue to the gum line) may be needed depending on how much diseased tissue was removed to reshape the contour of your gums.

How do I keep my gums healthy after a gingivectomy?

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene and overall health is vital even after the initial recovery period:

Regular dental visits: Consistent visits with our doctors and team for professional cleanings and evaluations are essential for monitoring your gum health, detecting potential issues early, and adjusting your care plan as needed.

Healthy lifestyle choices: Maintain a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and avoid habits that could compromise your oral health.

This ongoing partnership is crucial to the long-term success of your gum surgery and overall dental and total body health.