What is a dental space maintainer?
A dental space maintainer is a device custom fitted to your child’s mouth after the premature loss of a baby tooth, that holds space for the permanent tooth to grow in when it is ready. Space maintainers prevent the surrounding teeth from shifting into the gap created by the missing baby tooth which can cause the permanent teeth to erupt out of alignment with the other teeth or not erupt at all.
Dental space maintainers are typically made from metal or acrylic. They can be cemented into your child’s mouth, designed only to be removed by a dental professional, or made with clip/hooks that allow the device to be taken in and out of the mouth at home.
How long does my child need to wear a dental space maintainer?
Space maintainers are worn until the permanent tooth erupts. Depending on the child’s age and location of the missing tooth they could be wearing the device for a few months to a few years.
How to care for a dental space maintainer?
Proper care for a dental space maintainer and surrounding teeth is crucial for maintaining good oral health.
Brush twice a day. Encourage your child to brush their teeth twice a day and floss daily, making sure to also clean the space maintainer to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria. Red or irritated tissue around the space maintainer may indicate it is not being cleaned well.
Avoid hard or sticky foods. Try to avoid eating hard or sticky foods that may cause the device to become loose or break.
Regular dental visits with our team. Visit our doctors and team regularly for a professional cleaning of the space maintainer and surrounding teeth, examination of your child’s mouth, review of home care techniques, evaluation of the space maintainer’s integrity, and updated images (x-rays) to assess their dental health below the gumline.