Silver Diamine Fluoride

What is Silver Diamine Fluoride?

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a topical treatment designed to slow down or stop the progression of tooth decay. It contains two key components: silver, which has antimicrobial properties, and fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel and helps prevent cavities. SDF is a non-invasive option for managing tooth decay, particularly in cases where traditional methods like fillings may not be possible.

While SDF permanently darkens the decayed area of the tooth, it doesn’t affect the healthy surrounding tooth structure. Due to this discoloration, it may not be the best option for treating visible areas of your smile.

How does SDF work?

  • Slows or Stops Decay: The silver in SDF kills bacteria that cause cavities.
  • Strengthens Teeth: Fluoride helps to remineralize and harden the tooth surface, making it more resistant to future decay.
  • Simple Application: The treatment is painted onto the affected area.

Who can benefit from silver diamine fluoride?

SDF is often recommended for:

  • Children: Especially those who may be too young for more invasive dental procedures.
  • Patients with special considerations: Those who may have difficulty sitting through traditional treatments.
  • Elderly Patients: Those who have difficulty tolerating more involved dental procedures.
  • Patients with High Risk of Cavities: Anyone with multiple areas of decay or an inability to access routine dental care.

Although SDF is highly effective in managing tooth decay, it may not be a permanent solution for everyone. Our doctors will continually evaluate its effectiveness during your routine dental visits and recommend further treatment if needed to maintain your oral health.