Enamel (Tooth) Contouring

What is enamel (tooth) contouring?

Enamel shaping, also known as enameloplasty, odontoplasty, or tooth contouring, is an esthetic procedure that reshapes the enamel of a tooth. The goal of an enamel recontouring procedure is to correct challenges in the aesthetic harmony and balance of the mouth to achieve a more attractive appearance.

In addition to the esthetic benefits, enamel contouring can improve overall dental health by removing minor chips, crevices or crowded or overlapped teeth that create a difficult to clean area where harmful bacteria can build-up.

What are the benefits of enamel contouring?

Enamel contouring is a simple non-invasive procedure that can make a big impact on the appearance of your smile, making it a popular choice for many of our patients. Completed during one visit enamel countering can provide a solution to:

  • Correct uneven front teeth
  • Correct small chips or surface flaws
  • Round-off pointed canine teeth
  • Shorten teeth that appear too long (common problem with canines)
  • Correct minor overcrowding problems
  • Adjust teeth to create a smile that follows the contour of the lower lip

Enamel contouring is often combined with dental bonding, a procedure where tooth-colored material is added to improve the shape, length, and width of teeth. Together, these treatments can make a dramatic difference in your smile’s appearance in a single appointment.

Is enamel contouring right for you?

Enamel contouring and bonding are effective, quick, and comfortable options for making minor cosmetic improvements to your smile. However, depending on your individual goals, preferences, and the anatomy of your teeth, they may not be the most suitable solution for every case.