NAM & Cleft Palate Appliances

What is a NAM (Nasoalveolar Molding) appliance?

A Nasoalveolar Molding (NAM) appliance is a pre-surgical orthopedic device used to reshape the gums, lip, and nostrils before cleft lip and palate surgery. It is primarily used in infants born with cleft lip and/or palate. The NAM appliance helps to align the tissues in preparation for surgical repair, improving the surgical outcomes and the overall facial appearance.

What does a NAM appliance do?

  1. Reshapes the Nasal Cartilage: Gently molds the nasal cartilage to improve the shape and symmetry of the nose.
  2. Aligns the Alveolar Ridges: Brings the gums and alveolar ridges (the bone containing the tooth sockets) closer together to facilitate easier surgical closure.
  3. Reduces the Size of the Cleft: Narrows the gap in the cleft lip and palate, making the surgical repair less extensive and more effective.
  4. Improves Feeding: Helps infants with cleft lip and palate to feed more efficiently by creating a more effective seal during sucking.

What is a cleft palate appliance?

A cleft palate appliance is a dental prosthetic device designed to close the gap or opening in the roof of the mouth (palate) caused by a cleft. This appliance can be used in both infants and adults to improve function and aesthetics before, during, or after surgical treatment.

What are the types of cleft palate appliances and what do they do?

  1. Obturator: A removable or fixed device that covers the cleft in the palate, preventing food and liquid from entering the nasal cavity and improving speech.
  2. Feeding Plate: A temporary device used in infants to aid in feeding by sealing the cleft and enabling the baby to suck more effectively.
  3. Speech Aid: A device that helps to improve speech by covering the cleft and allowing for better articulation of sounds.

What are the benefits of having a NAM or cleft palate appliance?

  • Better Surgical Outcomes: By reshaping and aligning tissues before surgery, these appliances improve the success and aesthetics of surgical repairs.
  • Improved Feeding and Nutrition: Helps infants with cleft lips and palate to feed more effectively, ensuring they receive adequate nutrition.
  • Better Speech Development: Speech appliances help in the development of clearer and more understandable speech by providing a proper structure for articulation.
  • Psychosocial Benefits: Early intervention with these appliances can lead to improved self-esteem and social interactions due to better facial appearance and function.

What is the process of  NAM and cleft palate appliance treatment?

  1. Initial Assessment: A specialist, often a maxillofacial prosthodontist, evaluates the patient’s anatomy.
  2. Custom Fabrication: The appliance is custom-made to fit the patient’s specific anatomy and needs.
  3. Fitting and Adjustments: The appliance is fitted, and regular follow-up visits are scheduled to make necessary adjustments as the patient grows and the tissues change.
  4. Monitoring and Support: Continuous monitoring to ensure the appliance is functioning correctly and providing the intended benefits. Parents and caregivers are provided with instructions and support for at-home care.

NAM and cleft palate appliances are essential tools in the early intervention and management of cleft lip and palate. They play a critical role in improving feeding, speech, and surgical outcomes, contributing to the overall health and quality of life for the patient.


What type of dentist designs a NAM & cleft palate appliances and manages my treatment?

As a Maxillofacial Prosthodontist, Dr. Catherine Cagino treats conditions affecting the entire head and neck region. Maxillofacial prosthodontics, a subspecialty of prosthodontics, focuses on rehabilitating patients with congenital defects, disease, or trauma-related disabilities. Dr. Cagino also creates prostheses to protect areas of the head and neck during radiation therapy. She often combines maxillofacial prosthetics with traditional dental therapies to restore health, function, and aesthetics to her patients’ mouths.

Dr. Cagino works closely with ENTs, oral and general surgeons, oncologists, plastic surgeons, anaplastologists, and other medical specialists to ensure optimal, long-term outcomes for her patients. By collaborating with both her patients and their medical teams, she develops customized treatment plans focused on restoring function, comfort, longevity, and confidence. If you’d like to explore how Dr. Cagino can help you, call or email our team to discuss your goals and schedule an initial consultation.